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Parks Board Commissioner
Tom Digby
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We've gotten rid of the bike lane and now we're worried about where the parking is going to go in the park?
Meeting Date:
Removing Stanley Park bike lane and lack of vehicle parking
I'm just struck with the comedy of the irony of those last two questions. We've gotten rid of the bike lane and now we're we're worried about where the parking is going to go in the park? So I'll let you solve that question.
the cheapest way to solve this problem is to convert the current lane to a more permanent one over time
Meeting Date:
ABC Motion to Remove the Temporary Bike Lane from Stanley Park
And here's what really bugs me about this motion, is that we have no money in the budget to take the bike lane out in time for this holiday rush, which I haven't seen lately, and we certainly have no money to put the bike lane in next summer. So every engineer knows the cheapest way to solve this problem is to convert the current lane to a more permanent one over time, and I'd like to move a strike and replace motion. If I could ask the clerk to put that up, because this is what I think...
A strong suspicion ABC made some promises to certain individuals during an election campaign and now in the real light of day they didn't really stand up to support this
Meeting Date:
Parks Board Vote to block City Council decision to return two-way traffic to Beach Avenue
You know, I specifically asked a City Councillor from the ABC party to make representations to us, to tell us why this issue is so urgent, and that councillor went back and said they would take it back to their peers and if they wanted to talk to us they would. And what it tells me is that those councillors themselves are not that interested in seeing two-way traffic on Beach Ave. I have a strong suspicion that they may be made some promises to certain individuals during an election campaign and those, and that now when they looked at it in the real real light of day that they didn't really stand up to support this. So I think that the staff here has done a tremendous effort to try and meet the expectations of Council. But I am gonna do exactly as Commissioner Bastyovanszky. He brilliantly stated and I interrupted him I shouldn't have interrupted him but the park board is here doing what we're supposed to do, which is listen to the people and hear from everyone and then make a decision and with 17 speakers tonight and 290 emails in opposition.
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